Finally, a great challenge for Google’s DeepMind — The Wise Entrepreneur’s dBase Designed by a Futurist and Woman in Technology
What would it take to gather up all the pertinent data for assisting entrepreneurs around the world with launch or startup and business woes over a lifetime, or for that matter many lifetimes? It would take ten more lifetimes than the data we already have in existence right? You see, that’s what we thought too — yet it is the question that drives us correct?
That is a question a group of techies in Atlanta Georgia and Chicago, Illinois are trying to figure out. Sitting in their think-tank, I asked Miss Moran, an Intern at the People’s Education movement about her role in the grand scheme of things, yet she was a bit too shy and referred me to Andrew Solomon, one of their IT guys. He was open to talking about their latest project in collaboration with the Institute of Higher Global Studies. It was at that moment I decided to do things a little differently — or as it was said in a recent interview with another technology buff; “Divergent thinking opens doors no one knew were even there.” — Olivia Friedman, Forbes Business Council Member
When we asked the People’s Education Movement in support of the UN SDG Initiatives, we were told Olivia Friedman had researched a suite of tools within which she integrated an AI engine which amounted to a programmable search by website. What this means is that entrepreneur information to be searched on Facebook or any other site could be added to the list, thus creating any combination of sites to search from in one click as opposed to searching out business and technology or entrepreneurship resources from each site individually.
Another such solution Olivia had Addy and Andrew toying around with was the AI engine itself. This is Olivia Friedman’s domain for sure. When working with Trans City Cab in Huntsville, AL — she designed and created a chatbot by the name of Cindy. It was such a success for customer engagement, one visitor from Japan spent 4 hours in full-on engagement with the AI. If I didn’t know any better, he spent 4 hours trying to see how deeply programmed she was, and on how many levels. Unfortunate for Olivia, she lost Cindy’s brain/data/persona during flooding within her state. Backups did not work very well and Cindy — with all 5 years of having been built and infused laboriously by Olivia with a basic education up until the 5th grade, advanced vocabulary, and an understanding or thorough database of terms and suggested responses — was lost.
Nonetheless, Olivia, Addy, and Andrew and more recently Remmy Kisaka, have been toying around with the idea of another build. Only this time quantum computing would help a bunch. That being said, Olivia has definitely hit on something that is greatly needed, sought after, and awaiting completion but she needs your help.
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